
Preparation, hithertho

My preparation has been going on and off for a few weeks now. I used to work in Maryland up until November '08. I changed jobs and moved to Chicago area back then. I should say the winter here kind of motivated me to get back to reading, since there wasn't really a lot to do in my free time during early days of my stay here. Howerver, I procrastinated for a couple of months and finally decided to buy material and jumpstart my GMAT prep. This happened in early January.( not exactly one of my primary new year resolutions ! ). To cut the matter short, here are the books I bought.

5. Manhattan GMAT ( CR, RC, SC ) - Need to purchase.
6. Flash cards - Need to make yet.

I have been working on Princeton review for the past month in a very hapazard fashion. By now, I finished the verbal and quant sections of the book. I got good scores ( 3 out of 26 wrong, 4 out of 26 wrong ) on the math 1 ( easiest ), math 2 ( easier ) bins resp. . I also took the diagnostic test in the book and scored a 550. I still need lots of work to do!

After going through the forum at beat the gmat ( an excellent resouce for gmatters, btw ) and a few othe blogs, I decided to design my schedule in as below and stick to it.

1. Weekdays - 8 hrs ( 4 days a week - 2hrs each day )
2. Weekends - 10 hrs ( 5 hrs each on sat, sun )

That sums up to 18 hrs each week, for the next 8 weeks.For now, my plans falls somewhere in between the 100hr and 300hr gameplans. I am currently working on my gamplane and I will update you all with that very shortly.

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